ENHANCED NUTRITION DXB (hereinafter “We” “us” or “our”) are committed to respect your privacy highly. This Privacy Policy describes our policies and procedures on collecting, using, and disclosing your information when you use our services.

1. Collection of Information.

You acknowledge that in order to provide our services to you, we may need to collect your personal information including without limitation, your name and email. We may also use tracking activities to obtain pertinent data regarding your diet. We may collect the information through landing pages, registration forms, etc. We may also collect your data via a human virtual personal assistant inputting the data into the software Enhanced Nutrition. Our servers also collect information from you, such as your domain name, and Internet Protocol address. This information is not personally identifiable. If you use our services on your mobile telephone or other mobile device, including iPads and tablets, we collect your mobile device identifier and IP Address.

2. Use of Information.

We may use your information where we have legitimate reason to do so. Such legitimate reasons include:

  1. Provide you our services
  2. preventing fraud and other illegal conduct;
  3. to inform you about out services;
  4. to improve our Services;
  5. to keep our records up to date;
  6. to carry out necessary regulatory checks;
  7. to enable your easy use of our Services;
  8. to perform our customer services;
  9. for any other specific reason related to our Services.

You acknowledge that we may send you other information including promotional information, information and advertisements. We may also send you naturopathic nutrition assessment, tips and general recommendation based on said dietary inputs. You hereby consent to our use of your email address to communicate with you.  You may also give us feedback through your email address.

3. Sharing Personal Information

You acknowledge that your information may be disclosed to third parties if we have a legitimate reason to do so. Such legitimate reasons include:  disclosure to analytics and search engine providers; disclosure to the police or any other government authority; save as set out in this privacy policy; we will not sell or disclose your data to any third party; and disclosure to our subsidiary, or in the event of our merger, acquisition or sale of assets, upon which we shall notify you of such disclosure.

4. Links to other websites.

Our website may contain links to other websites that are not operated by us. If you click on a third-party link, you will be directed to that third party’s website. We strongly advise you to review the Privacy Policy of every website you visit. We have no control over and assume no responsibility for the Content, privacy policies, or practices of any third-party websites or services.

5. How long we keep your Information

Your information will be stored in our servers for as long as is necessary to provide our Services to you. However, we shall keep such information anonymous. Please note that we shall delete your information if it becomes obsolete or unnecessary.

6. Security of Your Personal Information.

We are cognizant of the need to maintain your personal data with utmost security. However, please note that we cannot guarantee 100% security of your data. We do not guarantee that your communications will be private or secure; it is illegal for unauthorized people to intercept your communications, but such interceptions can occur. Therefore, we shall protect your data to the extent possible. Your information is secured through the SSL Protocol.

7. Changes to this Privacy Policy.

This Policy may be updated regularly. We shall post any update on this page. You will be notified through your email, of any prominent notice before it becomes effective. You have the responsibility to review this policy for any changes.

8. Governing Law.

This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the United Arab Emirates, and all disputes arising out of this Agreement shall be determined in any court of competent jurisdiction in the United Arab Emirates.

9. Severability.

In the event any term in this Policy is held to be invalid or unenforceable, the term shall be changed and interpreted, to fulfill the intent and object of the term to the greatest extent possible. A declaration of invalidity of a term shall not affect the validity of other terms.

10. Waiver.

In the event a party to this Policy fails to exercise any right permitted under this Policy, such waiver shall not affect the party’s ability and/or right to exercise the right at any time thereafter.

11. Contact Us

Please contact us at the following address, if you have any concerns.
